Freedom of Expression demonstration
When there’s no freedom of expression, it’s dangerous to be right about something.
Ver →When there’s no freedom of expression, it’s dangerous to be right about something.
Ver →What does the 2nd union force in Spain have to say about specific measures to be taken to fight social injustice?
Ver →What does the first union force in Spain have to say about specific measures to be taken to fight social injustice?
Ver →This is Milano’s critical mass, a demonstration to promote the safe use of bycicles in the streets.
Ver →A family wasn’t evicted this day thanks to everyone’s support, this legal assistant explains more.
Ver →Thank you everybody for stopping this eviction.
Ver →FIOM’s general secretary speaks to us about the reasons for Italy’s general strike.
Ver →This is what happened on September 7th, 2011, at the general strike that took place in Italy.
Ver →This is not just about the miners, but about all the working class.
Ver →15th of October of 2011, global protests agains economic inequality, Rome. Why do you carry flags?
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