Cabecera Sobre nosotros

About us

We are Libertarians, a documentary project, an audiovisual media, a channel that shows all kinds of alternative lifestyles. Through traveling around Europe, we’ve gathered experiences and ideas that show that any way of living is possible. We’ve been in Poland, Norway, Portugal, Italy, Iceland and Spain, recording people who chose to do things differently with their existential experience. They tell us about it through their art, turning the city into a more beautiful place, they tell it through self-organisation and activism, they tell it by building their own houses or growing their own food, through reforesting and caring about the environment that surrounds them.


And we recorded it.


We recorded their lives, their conversations, their ideas and what inspired them, so that way those ideas can inspire others as well. And we did it to leave proof of this, that the world has always had a place for those who wanted to be free and explore their own way of living, those who question the social impositions and seek to be happier, more conscious about the world around them.

sección sobre nosotros coche

This project gathers documentary experiences in three main categories:

  • Art: as a way of expressing that will always reflect and question the reality we live in.

  • Nature: a conscious and ecologic vision of our surroundings, in a crucial moment to preserve Earth’s biodiversity.

  • Actions: as a fundamental part to catalyse any change, public oriented social action is needed, as well as getting the people involved with the society they live in.