A critical Mass at Milano
This is Milano’s critical mass, a demonstration to promote the safe use of bycicles in the streets.
Watch →This is Milano’s critical mass, a demonstration to promote the safe use of bycicles in the streets.
Watch →An experimental concert with new sounds and handcrafted instruments by Xabier Iriondo.
Watch →Roma manages the Telefono Viola, a phone line that offers support agains the abuses and psychiatric violence.
Watch →Standing up in front of the crowd, completely still, opened eyes, and trying to create something beautiful.
Watch →Antonietta and Moricolli tell us about this association, that defends history and ecological preservation near Rome.
Watch →FIOM’s general secretary speaks to us about the reasons for Italy’s general strike.
Watch →This is what happened on September 7th, 2011, at the general strike that took place in Italy.
Watch →This is the privileged place where Fabio Minerba’s exhibition took place.
Watch →A regular day at Ciclofficina Stecca, among bikes, to project new models of human propulsion machines.
Watch →At Milano, in a small social centre that promotes clean transport initiatives, Stefano takes care of this small garden.
Watch →